Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Obama is the man!!

Since I moved to US, I haven't seen other presidents other than George W. Bush. Just seeing Obama handling stuff makes me optimistic. Nobody can deny Obama's eloquence, the question about him was always his ability to lead.

The decisions he made so far are amazing, although he is not sworn in yet. His Lincoln-style of handling rivals is astonishing. Today he met with McCain, I'm pretty sure he gave him the task of closing Guantanamo Bay detention center. This is a brilliant move, no one can accuse him of being lenient with terrorists for closing it, if the person in charge of doing that is a war hero and the former Republican party's nominee for president. He also pressures the Democratic senators to keep Lieberman as the Home Land committee chair. This way Obama guaranteed the loyalty of Lieberman and one more senator in the Democratic caucus, which could give him the magic 60 filibuster majority in the Senate floor. His offer for Clinton to be his Secretary of State is smart as well. I don't think she will be appointed at the end of the day because of the conflict of interest with Bill's interactions. But it shows that Obama is a strong leader who is not afraid of very strong people in his cabinet. Also this way he is making up with Clinton loyalists who is still mad of him for not vetting or offering Hillary the V.P. position.

This Auto-industry bailout shows that he is in top of his game, he is not waiting for the big three to collapse and then try to bail them out. His preemptive strategy will save the market another choke wave if one of the big three automakers fail.

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